Complaints, Comments and Compliments Procedure

How to make a Complaint, Comment or Compliment

Complaints Handling Procedure

We take all complaints about the quality of our services seriously. We will provide a speedy response and a full and fair investigation of your complaint, respecting your right to confidentiality

The Process

State your complaint by fax, letter, e-mail or by telephone. Our central office contact details are shown on page 1 (front cover). We will endeavour to acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days (Monday-Friday), subject to shift patterns

Your complaint will be responded to by the Welfare Fund Central Office or your local Area Secretary or Treasurer depending upon the nature of your complaint

If you are dissatisfied with the response, please send details of your complaint marked ‘Complaint Response – Not Satisfied’ to the Chairperson of the Welfare Fund Executive Committee, c/o the Welfare Fund Central Office. A response will be provided 10 days after the next WF Executive Committee meeting. The actual date of this meeting will be confirmed on receipt of your not satisfied communication

Please note that this procedure relates to complaints about the service the Welfare Fund provides and not any department or function of the LFB. If it is a matter outside of our control, we will do our best to advise you how to proceed

Comments & Compliments Procedure

Comments on methods of improving our service and benefits or compliments regarding the quality of the service provided are always welcome. Please feel free to share your views with our staff or your local Welfare Fund Area Representative on the telephone, in person or by writing/e-mailing


Unit 1 – 3rd Floor

Pride Court

80 – 82 White Lion Street


N1 9PF

Telephone 020 7407 3964

Fax 020 7407 3409


Comments on methods of improving our service will be investigated, the results of which will be reported back to you. Accordingly please include your name and contact details.