Western Area

Western Secretary Jason King 020 8555 1200 ext. 84745 jason.king3@london-fire.gov.uk Western Treasurer Terry Roots terry.roots@london-fire.gov.uk 07957 642 068 Western Retired Members Representative Antony Bucksey aabucksey@aol.com...

Southern Area

Southern Secretary Lee Down 07552 659 123 leesouthernwelfare@gmail.com Southern Treasurer Adam “Archie” Andrews 07961 446 124 archiewelfare67@btinternet.com Southern Retired Members Representative Paul Capocci 07956 297 737 paulsouthernwelfare@gmail.com ...

Eastern Area

Eastern Secretary Paul Maher 07983 618070 Eastern Treasurer Ash Perham 07748 327 055 ashley.perham@live.co.uk Eastern Retired Members Representative Graham Morland gmorland53@btinternet.com  ...

Retired Members

Are you retiring soon?  Your membership will automatically renew.  You will be sent an email with details of how you can opt out of this if you wish.   Please update your details if they have changed.   Simply complete and return the  Application Form  to our...

FireSport UK (formerly the FSSAA)

The FSSAA is now known as FireSport UK. Don’t forget to visit their official  website for all their latest updates  www.firesportuk.com Facebook: http://goo.gl/1wJFSr Twitter: https://twitter.com/fssaa_frs