Are you retiring soon?

You will need to renew your membership, simply complete and return the form below to the Welfare Fund Office office.

A retired member of the LFB Welfare Fund pays a monthly fee of just £3.00 per month, for more information please read our ‘Welcome to the Fund’ leaflet here.

Also, Welfare Fund members can claim on the cost of room hire for their ‘do’ simply return the claims form to your area secretary.

Transfer to Retired form

I wish to transfer my membership to that of a Retired Member of the London Fire Brigade Welfare Fund Limited (“the Welfare Fund”), in accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Fund and subject to the Regulations issued by the Executive Council from time to time.

I agree that my membership subscription fee may be deducted from my LPFA pension each month, to be paid to the Welfare Fund, at such rates as the Executive Council determine in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Welfare Fund (£3.00 per month as at 31st May 2012) and notified to the membership. I understand that I may cancel my membership (and/or participation in the Welfare Fund Lottery) by giving one month’s notice in writing to the Welfare Fund at the address below.

By supplying an email address I agree to receive any notices or other communications from the Welfare Fund by email and/or as posted on the Welfare Fund’s website instead of by post.


Only Members of the Welfare Fund can participate in the Welfare Fund Lottery. A single entry (“chance”) costs £1. Members may purchase up to 15 chances for each monthly draw. You must be 16 or over to play or claim a prize in the Lottery. I agree that £……… may be deducted from my LPFA pension each month, to be paid to the Welfare Fund, on my behalf by way of payment for my participation in the Welfare Fund Lottery.


In the event of my death under the age of 65, I wish that any benefits arising from the Death Benefit Scheme referred to in the Regulations of the Welfare Fund to be paid in full to:

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*Lottery registered with: The Lotteries Section, Gambling Commission, Fourth Floor, Victoria Square House, Victoria Square, Birmingham B2 4BP. If you think you need help controlling your play, or just want to find out more, please visit the GamCare website at: